
Showing posts from 2018


Game Verbs - what do you actually do in Vampyr? Bite enemies (and later, chosen victims) to gain blood, which is used to fuel your vampire powers – from healing to blood spears, claw attacks, invisibility and more. Though to be honest, the upgrade tree is a little disappointing, only offering more refined versions of the original thing. There are no mega-perks or skills to work towards. Explore a kind of open-ish 1918 London. The Spanish Flu has rendered the streets largely empty, with most of the buildings boarded up. How terribly convenient, from a game design standpoint! Each district is either safe or dangerous and as the game progresses they can change in status, depending on how bloodthirsty you are when it comes to biting innocent necks. Follow clues. Pressing L3 puts you into a kind of vampire-senses mode, where the world turns grey apart from blood trails and the red, beating hearts of citizens. If you’ve talked to them, their details will be listed, and yo...

Space Hulk: Deathwing Enhanced Edition

Game Verbs - what do you actually do in Space Hulk: Deathwing Extended Edition? Stomp – along dark corridors. You occupy a huge suit that gives your movement a mech-like feel. Your companions (controlled by AI when playing solo or other players during online co-op) are similarly bulky. This often presents confusion during intense swarm battles as the AI tends to always move into your line of fire (and people online, for that matter). I often just left them to it and kept going, as genestealers just keep coming anyway, so a quick mission is a good mission! Teleport – Pressing the touch-pad launches a countdown, and let me tell you five seconds can seem like an eternity as you’re being completely swamped, while the defeated bodies of your comrades watch your impending demise with death-shrouded eyes. Thankfully, the portal resurrects your buddies and heals you up. It also gives you a chance to change your weapon load-out if things aren’t working for you. Portals are limited and ...

God of War

  Game Verbs - what do you actually do in God of War? Attack enemies using weapons and fists. The two modes offer advantages in battles, one demolishing health, while fist-fighting staggers enemies to the point of Kratos ripping them to shreds. Boost Atreus, Kratos's son and helpful gaming companion, up to hard-to-reach places. You'll then order him to open up pathways or translate optional language and lore spots across the game's vast map. Recall Kratos's axe using Triangle, a move that at first feels different enough to require some muscle training but which soon becomes second nature. The sound and animation of the axe returning to Kratos's waiting hand is art. Upgrade all manner of things, using XP and money earned through exploration, battle and story progression. Explore a large, semi-open map, with some side content that feels as fully developed and engaging as the main game itself. It is an incredibly generous and expansive title. Order Atr...