
Showing posts from May, 2018

God of War

  Game Verbs - what do you actually do in God of War? Attack enemies using weapons and fists. The two modes offer advantages in battles, one demolishing health, while fist-fighting staggers enemies to the point of Kratos ripping them to shreds. Boost Atreus, Kratos's son and helpful gaming companion, up to hard-to-reach places. You'll then order him to open up pathways or translate optional language and lore spots across the game's vast map. Recall Kratos's axe using Triangle, a move that at first feels different enough to require some muscle training but which soon becomes second nature. The sound and animation of the axe returning to Kratos's waiting hand is art. Upgrade all manner of things, using XP and money earned through exploration, battle and story progression. Explore a large, semi-open map, with some side content that feels as fully developed and engaging as the main game itself. It is an incredibly generous and expansive title. Order Atr...