Wolfenstein Youngblood

What do you actually do in Wolfenstein Youngblood? Shoot enemies of varying difficulty. The shooting feels great, better in my opinion than Wolfenstein 2. There’s a bit more stickiness to aiming that allows you to move around a lot, which is necessary as the enemy AI is super aggressive and enemies will come at you from every corner. They also respawn very quickly, so there’s never a dull moment, almost to the point of drowning you in the shootery-ness of it all. Emote with your twin to boost yours and her health. There’s another booster, too, but I forget what it is as the health one is all that really matters, especially against some of the Nazi mobs that will flank (read: spawn in) behind you. Traverse sections of Neu-Paris repeatedly, on differing missions of varying difficulty. There are few quiet moments, but those that do exist allow you to breathe in the amazing design of both interior and exterior spaces of a city that feels like it could almost exist in real life...