
Game Verbs - what do you actually do in Control? Shoot – There is a lot of shooting here. It’s an action game foremost and The Hiss will regularly spawn in with the sole videogamey purpose of hindering your progress through the massive building that makes up The Oldest House, where The Bureau of Control resides (alongside a worryingly large collection of paranormal objects of power). The shooting feels almost perfect. It is smooth, punchy and, best of all, you don’t need to worry about ammo. Bullets are unlimited, you just need to account for a gun cool down period. Shift – the form of your gun, known as The Service Weapon. You take on the role of Director as soon as the gun bonds with you. As you kill Hiss, you gain upgrade currency which can be used to unlock different gun forms. There’s a standard pistol, a shotgun-like shatter mode, an automatic fire form, a charge-up mode and more. Personally, I stuck with Spin and Pierce for most of the game and found no need for the ot...