Hunt: Showdown Quick Review

Summary - an elevator pitch to sum up the experience Hunt: Showdown is a perma-death cross between Resident Evil and PuBG. You enter one of two maps, search for clues and hunt a monster (such as a giant spider), collect a token and get the heck out of Dodge - all while fighting off AI zombies, dogs and other nasties, as well as other players. Other hunters will be aligned with your level, so the better you play, the harder things get. And while this is a perma-death game, that particular stress factor doesn't come into play until you pass level 10 - which could be a good 15 hours of gameplay, depending on how well you do. What's the best thing about Hunt: Showdown? The atmosphere, for sure. It is pervasively heavy and stressful. A lot of this is thanks to the sound design, which creates terrifying grunts, groans and other horrific soundscapes. Walk over broken glass or tinkle hanging chains and you'll almost fill your pants. The sound of the spider boss skittering abo...